Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Welcome welcome to the newest book club on the block! As you know, Jessica and I are super excited to bring you the Monday Seductive! A place where we can let it all out, read our trashy books, and talk about them with our friends! I know what a lot of you are thinking right now... is this okay to be talking about?! I know when I read Fifty Shades of Gray I was running around hiding it on my iPad because I didn't want anyone to see me reading it.  I was embarrassed that I was going to be the only girl in the world that likes to read trashy crap like that.  As it turns out I am joined by thousands of women and men alike that want to get their mind off of life and into something sexy.  Jessica and I were recently talking about joining a book club, but the clubs we found just weren't really our cup of tea.  We needed more fun and fantasy so here you have it: Not your Momma's Book Club! It will be fun, it will be sexy, it will be everything you have always wanted your book club to be, and you get to hide behind the screen of your computer ;).  Jessica and I don't really have that luxury because most of you already know us so please know there is no judgement here and we would appreciate the same from you in real life.

We will be reading all things romance in this book club.  I know that Jessica and I have different tastes in books sometimes so we will probably switch off picking books.  I know that we both love reading and blogging so we are dedicated to finishing every book we agree to start! I know that we would love your book recommendations so if you have one in mind please feel free to add it in a comment or email it to us! we are dedicated to having fun in this book club so anything goes!

I don't think we can make it through our first post without a little disclaimer.  These posts are purely our take on these books and a fun place for us to talk about them.  There will be adult content, there will be foul words, there will be sex talk.  If you're not into that kind of stuff you might want to pass on our blogs and go join your mom's book club.  If you are into that kind of stuff or are just testing the waters of the romance scene come on and take a seat...or a bed.

Jessica and I are super excited to get this book club off the ground and we will each be making posts on our blogs here for you all to read.  We hope that this catches on and other people in the blogosphere decide to join us!  If you do please add our blog button to your site and make sure you leave us a comment so we can grab your buttons to add to our blogs too! If you don't have a blog but you want to join in please feel free to leave your thoughts and comments every Monday in the comments section!

Our first book is going to be a best selling book on Amazon.com and the New York Times bestsellers list.  It is called Bared to You by Sylvia Day.  We are going to start out with chapters 1-3 this week and we will report back on Monday! We hope you will join us!


Kylie and Jessica